Potential Experiences


image of Dubs, the black and white husky mascot for University of Washington, posed in front of the quad on campus with green grass and cherry blossoms in the background


  • Gain exposure to specialty clinics and experiences such as the Neurodevelopmental Clinic, Brachial Plexus Clinic, Durable Medical Equipment Clinic, Specialized Cancer Care, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (observation), and more!
  • Participate in PT Legislative Action Day in Washington’s capital city of Olympia, meeting with policy makers and supporting legislation that impacts physical therapist practice
  • Attend and present at conferences such as APTA Combined Sections Meeting or the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference (APPTAC)
  • Lead and participate in regular, national Pediatric Residency Journal Clubs
  • Create and update a residency blog about your experiences
  • Engage in needs assessment and innovative solution-building for a patient or patient group Quality Improvement Project

a native american art rendering of an orca whale, hung in the Seattle Children's Hospital Lobby