Cathy Graubert, PT

Cathy Graubert, PT
Ambulatory Rehab Manager, Seattle Children’s Hospital
Residency Co-Coordinator — Clinical

Brief Biography


Name:  Cathy Graubert, PT


Educational Background including specialty certifications:  

Trinity College, Hartford, CT B.A. Biology

New York University, N.Y., N.Y.  B.S. Physical Therapy


Clinical Faculty University of Washington, Seattle, WA


Area of subspecialty: Pediatric Rehabilitation with emphasis in tone management, durable medical equipment, prosthetic management, and participation for children with physical disabilities

Management of Ambulatory Rehabilitation Therapy Services


Current role within the residency: Program Co-Coordinator – Clinical


Years of Practice: 35+


Philosophy of Care:

Throughout my years as a physical therapist I have learned to ask critical questions and to use data to inform clinical practice.  Experience working with many children and families has grounded me in the importance of supporting them to participate in activities and therapies that provide meaning and joy in their lives.  As I have grown in my management positions, I have greatly enjoyed mentoring and coaching therapists to find their best path in their chosen profession, whether clinical, research, academic, or a combination.  And I have learned to embrace the great value of partnerships between academic and clinical experts that lead to the most prepared and dedicated therapists and, therefore, the best care that we can provide to our patients and families.