Important COVID-19 Information!
We know this continues to be a time of great uncertainty as we continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and security of our residents and faculty are our primary priority.
Pediatric PT Residency:
Interviews for the 2021-2022 residency year will be conducted virtually. The resident selected will be able to complete all aspects of the intended residency experience with appropriate PPE and precautions in place at Seattle Children’s Hospital, the UW LEND program, and when teaching at UW, based on the COVID-19 policies in place at each institution and setting. In-person or tele-health visits may be a part of the resident’s experience within the Seattle Public Schools or at Boyer Children’s Clinic (early intervention) depending on the current public health recommendations and setting policies during these rotations. We have successfully completed these procedures with our previous (2019-2020) and current (2020-2021) residents, and thank all our clinical partners for their diligence in providing safe and high caliber services to children and families as well as outstanding learning experiences for our residents.